Gratitude plays a lead role in our company. Its how we start and finish our day. We seem to be living in a time that breeds disappointment because we define success by our homes, cars, and closets. It so easy to get sucked down the rabbit hole of comparison. But I truly believe that gratitude is the cure. Someone once said that if you are sad, you are living in the past. If you are anxious, you are living in the future and if you are at peace, then you are living in the present. I have found that one of the easiest ways to ‘live in the moment’, is through gratitude.
I give thanks EVERY. SINGLE. MORNING. 99% of the time I do it by writing in a gratitude journal but on the off chance that I can’t, I will think up a list in my head.
Gratitude unlocks the extra awesomeness in life that we easily see past. It turns what we have into more than enough. Denial into acceptance and maybe even forgiveness, chaos into peace, confusion into clarity. “It can turn a meal into a feast, a house into a home, a stranger into a friend” - Melody Beattie
Don’t get me wrong, some days my list is shorter than others and on rare occasions, spending the time to write has seemed unimportant and tedious. However, the same thing always happens. I finish my list, shut my book and smile. It is so easy to dwell on the tough parts of life but by taking a minute every day and reminding yourself what parts of your life are awesome, you are setting yourself up for an amazing domino effect. Sending out the happy, grateful vibrations into your world will only attract more incredible things.
Gratitude lists can be in any size and done at any time. Some people like to challenge themselves and list a certain number of things every day (like 20) but others (like me) just write until I can feel my heart filling to the brim. Its this practice that has made me fall completely in love with my life.
My lists have included things all over the map and some days its harder than others.
For example one day my list was;
I live in Canada
I have access to fresh clean water
I have the ability to read and write
I have clean, healthy food any time I wish
I have a roof over my head
I have a closet full of warm clothes and durable shoes
And the next day;
The guy in front of me at Tim Horton’s that paid for my coffee
My Husband for making me the best salad, EVER
The post office girl who was super quick taking in all my business orders
My essential oils that got rid of my headache
Fast internet
SOOO different yet both days I felt super lucky to live this life. We all have it in us to be truly happy. Its up to us. We decide. And for me, giving thanks every morning on paper and while I fall asleep as I recount my day, I have noticed a huge shift in the way I approach each new day, new challenge and new opportunity. I am so damn blessed.
I think you are, too... what do you think?